The International Business Immersion Program (IBIP) is designed to acquaint students with critical functional, cultural, and regional issues that span international marketing channels. The goal of the program is to prepare students for careers in the global marketplace as entrepreneurial leaders who can analyze, evaluate and respond to complex issues international managers face.

About the Program

The International Business Program (IBIP) is housed in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, but is cross-listed in the College of Business and works closely with many of the Title VI Cultural Centers on campus. Each year, sophomore, junior, and senior students travel abroad to gain exposure to the economic environment of different countries and learn how these countries impact and are impacted by global markets.

Working in teams, students specialize in one particular industry of the country they are visiting and compare and contrast the same industry in the US. While on the study tour, students travel to a variety of destinations including multinational companies, regulators, farms and local companies.  Upon returning to campus, students present their research findings in a public presentation. 

Previous Class Experience

Previous classes have travelled to Brazil, New Zealand, China, and countries in Europe and South America. While each trip is unique, the emphasis on teaching students about complex business issues remains the same. To see what these experiences were like for students we invite you to read blog posts from our students and go through the information booklet for each trip.

View previous class experiences

For More Information

For questions and information about applying to IBIP, please contact the Study Abroad Office or email Lauren Karplus at

To get general updates on IBIP, like us on Facebook